I am in Bali, Indonesia

Life is hard – first world problems

Life is hard when traveling sometimes

The past almost two months I’ve been away on vacation. My destinations have been New York City, The Hamptons, Mexico City, New York again, Corsica, Paris, Copenhagen, Berlin, Abu Dhabi and now Bali, and of course that makes my life very, very hard….

Here is why life is hard:

When you have to fly 17 hours and you are only on business class in one of the flights…

When you are jet lagged and sleep 13 hours straight.

Somebody forces you to pick between the best restaurants in the world. Like I know what I want to eat?!

It’s too hot outside and the air conditioning inside is too cold.

You have to figure out what beach to visit tomorrow.

Your biggest issues are what bikini you are wearing.

When the humidity and heat wave in New York City forces you to spend a day at a roof top in Brooklyn…

When your boyfriend’s family has a party with way too much barbeque food.

When you go back to your hometown and you don’t have time to see everybody who wants to see you.

When Bali offers so many fresh juices – like you have all the time in the world to try all of them.

When there are too many surfers to look at at the beach.

When you are spending more than 30 hours on a plane in one week.

When the driver is a little late for picking you up.

When the boat isn’t going for one day due to too much wind and you are stranded on an tropical island for one more day.

When the only possibility for transportation is by horse carriage and that is just not good enough…

When there is too much food at the buffet – what do they expect from me?! That I can try it all?!

When the wifi is so bad that you are not able to post a picture on your blog for two weeks – world! What is wrong with you! Wifi is a human right!

When you finished all the books you brought and you don’t have anything else to do and – hence the upper comment – there is no wifi that works and that fact forced you to actually start reading real books again. Am I going to be responsible for my own entertainment now?

When there is too much vodka in your drink.

When you have so many pictures you want to upload on your Instagram, but you know you can only upload between 1-5 a day (tops!) and you feel incomplete. What about the picture of your drink from the afternoon? Naturally, it was a different drink than the one you had this morning, and the whole world needs to know that!

When you are fomo-ing very hard – the bad wifi won’t let you load snapchat stories, and you will never know what your friends uploaded! God forbid it!

When somebody serves you breakfast every morning, and you just want yogurt.

When you can’t decide whether to take your afternoon nap in the hammock, in the huts on the beach, or in the tanning beds.

When you are so scared of getting sun burned that you HAVE to spread yourself into sun screen factor 50 all over your body every single day. God damn the good weather and the sun…

Hotel cleaning made your bed and you just felt like making it yourself… (Okay, that one isn’t necessarily true to be honest).

I hope you all get what an amazing time I have and have had traveling around for the past two months! I am still in Bali, and the wifi here is too slow for me to blog, but luckily I have sweet friends ready to help my back in the Nordic hemisphere. Hope you are all enjoying your summer as much I am. xxx

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I am in Bali, Indonesia