Three new places to try in Berlin this Spring

Berlin er en by, der konstant forandrer sig, og det kan være svært at følge med, når der ugentligt popper nye steder op rundt i byen. Men, frygt ej kære venner! Jeg er her, og har i dag samlet tre nye steder, som tilfældigvis alle befinder sig i Kreuzberg, som bare skal prøves hurtigst muligt. For flere steder, tjek dette indlæg om fem nye, skønne restauranter i Berlin.


English: Berlin is constantly evolving, and every week something new pops up. Sometimes it can be hard to keep up with the fast pace, but fear not, dear friends! I have collected three places you have to try asap. They include a delicious popsicle booth, a coffee place, and a place that does it all. See here for three new places to try in Berlin this Spring, and for more places to try, read a recent post I did about five restaurants to try in Berlin this spring.

Fenster Coffee Berlin

Fenster Coffee – Falckenstein Straße 5, Kreuzberg

God kaffe, lækker indretning, beliggende i Kreuzberg og søndagsbrunch. Har man brug for mere? Fenster Coffee er åbnet af en kaffeelsker fra Holland, og han har sans for god smag. Caféen har en fuld vindues-front, der på de varmere dage kan åbnes fuldstændig, så man kan nyde en god kop kaffe på skønne og levende Falcksteinstraße. 


English: You might ask yourself – isn’t there enough hip cafes serving coffee in the city of Berlin, and I say, can there every be enough? The guy from the Netherlands behind recently opened Fenster Coffee in Kreuzberg agreed with me, so he opened Fenster Coffee in order to serve more coffee thirsty guests in the area of Schlesi. Fenster Coffee has a small selection – they basically serve coffee and two/three different kinds of cake, which is enough for me. In addition to the coffee and cake, Fenster Coffee invites to Sunday brunch once in a while, so follow their Facebook to see when it is brunch time!
 California Pops Berlin

California Pops – Falcksteinstraße 4, Kreuzberg

Lige ved siden af Fenster Coffee, befinder California Pops sig. Egentlig er dette sted ikke nyt, det åbnede sidste sommer, men har holdt vinterlukket til nu. Grunden til California Pops’ vinterhi er, at stedet udelukkende sælger is. Og fantastiske af slagsen! Hjemmelavede, sunde, økologiske og ikke mindst, lækre. Smagene varierer, men man kan hos California Pops altid finde et stort udvalg af både sorbet-is eller flødeis – alle på pind. 


English: Right next to Fenster Coffee, one will find heaven for ice cream lovers. Handmade, homemade, healthy and organic ice cream popsicles. These ice creams will give you a smile on your face with their cute and colorful looks, and they taste delicious! The tastes vary, but in the selection there are always sorbets (fruit popsicles) or cream ice cream with variants like white chocolate or cookie. Yummy! California Pops is open in the summer months. 

Candy on Bone Berlin

Candy on Bone – Planufer 92b, Kreuzberg

Forestil dig et sted, hvor du både kan nyde en kop kaffe med dertilhørende kage, spise frokost både inden for eller uden for, være sund, finde den perfekte værtindegave eller købe de sidste ingredienser til aftensmaden, og du har Candy on Bone. Med en perfekt placering ved floden i Kreuzberg, er Candy on Bone et oplagt sted at drikke kaffe eller spise frokost fra den sunde deli-afdeling, der frister med kreative salater og en skiftende menu. Ved siden af den fine deli ligger Candy on Bones lebensmittel-afdeling, hvor der sælges nøje udvalgte fine madvarer og ting – fra chokolade og alkohol i lækker indpakning til lyserød Himalaya-salt, forskellige sovser, brød og nødder. Et ægte Feinschmecker-sted!


English: Imagine a deli, a fancy supermarket, a patisserie and a café all in one, and you have Candy on Bone. With an amazing location right on the river in Kreuzberg, Candy on Bone is a perfect spot to get coffee and cake from the little, cute patisserie or even lunch from the delicious deli serving healthy and experimental salads and other daily dishes. In the other side of the store, you will find a mini supermarket with carefully curated things such as organic popcorn, bread, sauces, alcohol in fancy bottles, snacks and chocolate in cool wrapping. A real feinschmecker store, and a place where you could easily go broke after shopping at! 

Hej papa – cafe in Hamburg

HEJPAPA hamburg

hejpapa cafe in hamburg

caroline in hamburg hejpapa

caroline blogger hej papa

De tre dage, jeg havde i Hamborg handlede udelukkende om at slappe af og bare nyde byen uden nogle særlige planer. Præcis som jeg foretrækker det, og netop derfor, jeg godt kan lide at komme tilbage til rejsedestinationer, for så har man for det meste overstået de ting, man skal se såsom turistattraktioner. På vores anden dag i Hamborg stødte vi på denne lille, fine café ved navn hej papa. Caféen lå i bydelen Neustadt, som er “centrum” af Hamborg. Vi tænkte, at det var tid til en kop kaffe, og da jeg så menuen hos hejpapa, var jeg lige ved at bestille, for det lød så lækkert. Vi havde dog lige spist morgenmad, så jeg holdt mig til en cappuccino og en hjemmelavet appelsin-yoghurt med hindbærpuré og müsli, som også var så lækker. hejpapa har hver uge en ny menu, der består af lækre, hjemmelavede og rustikke måltider, som fås i løbet af dagen. Denne uges menu bestod af käsespätzle (tysk, fantastisk pasta med ost), roastbeef eller tortellini, og i køkkenet stod mor og far, mens de voksne døtre stod for betjening og servering. Caféen emmede af hygge, og jeg skal helt sikkert planlægge et frokostbesøg her, når jeg er i Hamborg næste gang!

hej papa
Poolstraße 32


English: The three days I spent in Hamburg were all about relaxing and just walking around exploring the neighborhoods of Hamburg with no set agenda or schedule. Just how I like it! On our second day in Hamburg we stumbled upon this cute, little cafe named hej papa. The cafe has a great location in the Neustadt/central area of Hamburg and right next to the big botanical garden Planten und Blomen. We headed in for a coffee break and I got very close to eating here, because the food menu sounded so delicious. hej papa creates a new menu every week with solid homely meals such as käsespätzle, roast beef or tortellini. Everything is homemade, looked and smelled delicious. As we had almost just had breakfast, I opted for a cappuccino and an orange thick yogurt with raspberry sauce and granola, and it was so good. I’d definitely come back here to try the lunch options on my next trip to Hamburg!

hej papa
Poolstraße 32

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A princess experience at the K West in London

Copy of Snow Paradise - K Spa

K West Hotel & Spa 16

It’s been a few weeks since I was in London, but I still have a few post stories I haven’t gotten around to share on the blog yet. One of them is my Monday experience at the K West Hotel located in Shepherd’s Bush close to Kensington, where we also stayed. Such a cool hotel, and what is even cooler is that this hotel used to be a recording studio and big music stars were recorded here in the past. 

On our second last day of our stay in London, my boyfriend and I were invited to try out K West’s award winning spa and then ending of the spa experience with a round of Glam Rock Tea in the hotel restaurant. 

So let me begin with talking about the spa – first of all. It is award winning! Oh, I mentioned that already. It is great. It is different. The K Spa has a huge jacuzzi. It has a sauna. It has a steaming room. It has a sun room where you get all the benefits of the sun. But best of it all was the Snow Paradise. A room chilled down to -15 degrees celcius and with actual ice and show inside. Obviously, it was so much fun to go from the sauna to the Snow Paradise, but apparently it is good for you too as the sudden and extreme temperature changes stimulates the body circulation and it is also good for your immune system. We all know that London is a high paced and at times stressful city, so spending a few hours at the K spa was a perfect way to wind down and just enjoy life and each other after a few days full of plans and sightseeing in London. 

Tea time in London

K West hotel London

K West Glam Rock TEa

Best hotel London
(I was invited by the K West Hotel to review the spa and the Glam Rock Tea)

We chilled and had fun in the spa for some hours, and after that it was time for a sugar overdose indulging in a order of the Glam Rock Tea at the hotel restaurant named Studio Kitchen. And I mean… just look at the pictures I took from there. I told my boyfriend that had I been eight years old, I would have been in heaven, but either way being 21 I was still in heaven. This was a tea-dream! The color of the shiny tea cups, the food, the cakes, the pastries, the macaroons… So yummy. We ate, and ate and ate until we couldn’t eat no more, and then we ate what was left. It was all so yummy. The Glam Rock Tea included sliders – one with beef and one with halloumi, sandwiches with salmon, pastrami, and roasted pebers on the savory side. On the sweet side we had scones, a nutella burger, macaroons, chocolate pops, banana cake, and last but not least, a fried Twix chocolate hotdog with passion fruit sauce. Needless to say, it was amazing, although we kind of overdosed on sugar and we were very full afterwards. Many thanks to the K West hotel for inviting me! I am still dreaming about the Glam Rock Tea and will definitely go back next time I am around London. 

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Challenge of the week – sugar free – update

Healthy eatingPic from Pinterest

I sidste uge løftede jeg sløret for en udfordring jeg stillede mig selv. Udfordringen gik ud på at jeg skulle skære ned på mit ugentlige sukkerindtag på en uge. Grunden til denne udfordring var delvis, at jeg gerne ville udfordre mig selv, og at skære ned på sukker er ikke noget, jeg tidligere har gjort det i. Derudover var det interessant at undersøge, om jeg ville mærke forskel og om det ville have en effekt på mig. Sidst men ikke mindst, ville jeg også prøve, om det kunne få mine hovedpiner til at forsvinde.

For at opsummere denne udfordring: det gik godt. Rigtig godt. Men også lidt kedeligt. Jeg har ikke de store effekter eller forandringer, jeg kunne mærke, at berette om. Kun positive hvis noget. Det var meget lettere end forventet for mig at skære ned på sukker, og jeg røg i fælden to gange på en uge – en gang fredag, da jeg smagte en mini-bid af min venindes cheesecake, og engang søndag, da vi holdte påskebrunch for venner. En havde hjemmebagt gulerodskage med, og den var jeg nødt til at smage. Udover det, var jeg så sukkerfri som muligt!

Jeg er glad og stolt, men mest af alt, lettet over, at det gik så nemt for mig! Jeg tror at nøglen til succes i et sådant projekt er, at man holder sig mæt og spiser meget (men sundt) for at undgå at blive så sulten, at man bare kun kan tænke på chokolade og derved falder i og spiser sukker. Jeg sørgede derfor for altid at have sunde løsninger med mig og at stikke en gulerod i kæften INDEN, jeg blev sulten.

Så, hvordan virkede det? Den kedelige del. Jeg kan ikke mærke den store forskel, udover at jeg har haft en succesoplevelse og ved, at det er nemt for mig at gå uden sukker, selvom jeg er vild med det. Jeg vil derfor tage mine sunde vaner fra denne uge med mig og generelt set spise meget mindre sukker i fremtiden! Jeg har nemlig ikke brug for det, og det har jeg lært. Desværre er mine hovedpiner ikke forsvundet (endnu), men who know’s, måske vil jeg på sigt ende op uden hovedpine og med en krop som Kendall Jenner. A girl can dream 😉 Har I nogle lignende sukkerfrie erfaringer?


English: Last week I posted my second challenge of the week here on the blog. The challenge of the week this time  around was about me trying not to eat sugar partly because I want to try it out and challenge myself more, but also because I wanted to see if it would have an effect on my and also because I figured it would be a way for me to get rid of headaches. So, an update on how my sugar free in one week project went.

To summarize this challenge and put it in short, it went really good and I didn’t have a very hard time not eating sugar. Good for me I guess! On Wednesday and Thursday I survived with no sugar. On Friday I had one tiny bite of a slice of cheesecake, and on Sunday I splurged, but I warned you guys! We had an Easter brunch at home, and one friend brought carrot cake. I had a piece. Another friend brought Milka chocolate. I had 10 pieces. Sorry. The other days till today were completely sugar free. Go me!

I am happy and proud but most of all relieved that actually wasn’t so hard for me to go sugar free. I’ve been eating healthy and eating enough, so I guess that is key in a project like this! Not to get super hungry, because that is when the fast energy aka sugar cravings really kick in.

So how did it work? To be honest, I haven’t lost my headaches yet. What I have learned on the other hand, is to be healthier and not always be the girl who eats a croissant or cake when going to cafes. I learned that I don’t need that much sugar in my every day life to function, which, I guess, is a very good thing! I will keep going with my good “eating way less sugar rutines”, and who knows. Maybe on the long run, I will be headache less and maybe even end up with a body like Kendall Jenner. A girl can dream, right? 😉

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Jubel – Feine Patisserie, flowers and pictures

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Irene Wissel Silver stories blog Berlin

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Det tog under 24 timer for min søde fotograf Irene at redigere de billeder, vi tog i fredags, og derfor viser jeg jer allerede første runde i dag. Jeg tager en slapper i dag efter to meget begivenhedsrige dog succesfulde dage. I går havde vi gæster fra kl. 14 til kl. 23, og det var fantastisk, men det er også hårdt at være vært, og det kan jeg mærke i dag. Derfor bliver jeg hjemme og indhenter noget blog-arbejde, og senere står den på yoga med en veninde. Dejligt med en ekstra-søndag, hvis man havde sådan en hver uge 😉

Nå, sidespring, og tilbage til billederne igen. Kan I lide dem? De er taget hos Jubel – Feine Patisserie i Prenzlauer Berg. Et yndigt, lille konditori, der i lang tid har været på min to-do-i-Berlin-liste, og da Irene talte om denne slags photoshoot, tænkte jeg straks på, at Jubel ville være et oplagt sted for den slags. Jubel er åbnet af to dygtige kvinder, der især har talent inden for at kreere kager. Kagerne koster kun 2-4 euro, og de er i sig selv små kunstværker, og så smager de tilmed godt. Caféen er yndig, og man kan både sidde der og nyde kaffe og kage, eller man kan købe kagerne med hjem og lave kaffen selv. Klart en anbefaling værd, især hvis man er glad for kaffe og kage!

Hufelandstraße 10
10407 Berlin


ENGLISH: My photographer is so great. I thought I would have to wait at least a few days for her to edit and finish the pictures we took Friday, and next thing I know, an email pops in my inbox with the finished result of our photoshoot. Within 24 hours. That’s how I like it 😉 Irene has her own photography blog that you can check out here, and also make sure to check out my awesome hair and make up artist here. I am currently still in bed, we had a long day yesterday with our Easter Brunch and our guests ended up staying till late, so today I am tired and the apartment is a mess, but I have had the best Easter days ever, and the sun is finally shining in Berlin!

So, I tend to get side tracked – to go back to the pictures – do you like them? We went to Jubel – Feine Patisserie in Prenzlauer Berg. An adorable little cake patisserie that had been on my to go to list for a long time, and when Irene talked about a photoshoot in this style, I knew that Jubel would be a perfect spot to do it in. Jubel is opened by two women who are talented cake creators, and in their little cafe they sell the most beautiful cakes. The cafe is small but there is still enough space to sit down, and if not, you can also take the cake home with you. We tried the cheesecake variation and I can reveal, they don’t only look good, they also taste good! I will definitely go back to Jubel another time, because due to my non sugar eating week I only had one bite of the cake and had Irene and Lena share the rest. It was sad, but at least I am trying my best not to eat sugar 😉

Hufelandstraße 10
10407 Berlin

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