Asos Fall Wanties

Yayoi Kusama at Louisiana Art Museum

Yellow art pumpkins

Yayoi Kusama

Yayoi Kusama Japanese Art

Yayoi Kusama at Louisiana Modern Art Museum in Denmark

Yayoi Kusama Art

Silverstories at Yayoi Kusama

Sidste uge brugte jeg i København, hvor jeg nød et par dage med venner og familie, skønt selskab, god mad, og så nåede jeg endda en tur op på Louisiana kunstmuseum for at se den japanske kunstner Yayoi Kusama og hendes udstilling ved navn “Infinity”. Tilbage i juni måned så jeg en del af denne udstilling (blandt andet “Obliteration Room” og nogle malerier) på et galleri i bydelen Chelsea på Manhattan i New York City. Jeg kendte egentlig ikke meget til Yayoi Kusama inden New York, men jeg blev straks fanget og betaget af hendes arbejde og kunst, som de fleste kan se er usædvanlig og fantastisk.

Yayoi Kusama har sit helt eget univers præget af uendelighed, farver, former, strukturer og en næsten barnlig tilgang til kunst. Se billederne for bevis 😉 Jeg elskede udstillingen og var så glad for at jeg nåede op og se den.  Jeg var på Louisiana tilbage i december sidste år, hvor jeg så Olafur Eliassons “Riverbed”, og selvom jeg normalt er stor fan af Eliassons værker, var Riverbed ikke min yndlings. Efter Riverbed udstillingen, tog Richard Mosse over med udstillingen af hans lyserøde fotografier fra Congo, og den udstilling var jeg meget ked af, at jeg gik glip af.

Louisiana er et af mine yndlingsmuseer i hele verden, og både deres beliggenhed, museumshuset, deres fantastiske buffet, deres specielle udstillinger og deres fantastiske museumsshop siger spar to!

Obliteration Room

Obliteration room Yayoi Kusama

Louisiana Modern Art Museum

In Infinity Yayoi Kusama







English: Yayoi Kusama at Louisiana Art Museum. Last week in Copenhagen I made it to Louisiana Art Museum which is located around 30 minutes north of Copenhagen. It was on my things do in Copenhagen list, because Yayoi Kusama exhibited her art show “In Infinity”. I went to see her at David Zwirner Gallery in Chelsea in New York City back in June, and back then I fell in love with the very special art. I told my parents and my grandfather about Yayoi Kusama’s exhibition at Lousiana and we agreed to take a trip to the museum to see it for ourselves.

We went Thursday night, and all of us loved it! She had the Obliteration Room, which I also saw in NYC, a former all white livingroom, where guests and visitors are handed round colored  stickers they are allowed to put where ever they want in the room, turning it from white to multi colored with the stickers.

Yayoi Kusama, a 80-something year old Japanese pioneer within modern art, has her own, amazing, colorful and playful universe, where she utilizes colors, forms, structures, rooms, and senses of infinity to express herself, and it is characteristic, fun, playful and amazing to look at.

I am so happy I made it to see her exhibition In Infinity, I mean, see for yourself why – isn’t her art fun, amazing, and cool? Besides from that, Louisiana is one of my absolut favorite museums in the world. The location of it is right out to the ocean, the building it is in is beautiful, the buffet of food they have is delicious, and they also have a great museum shop where I could definitely spend a lot of money buying books, furniture, posters, art and stuff for my home. If you ever make it to Copenhagen, and you have a spare half day on your schedule, I would only recommend taking a train or a car to Louisiana, it is

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