10 random facts about me

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(Pictures by Irene Wissel and make up and hair by Lena Golden)

Jeg har skrevet denne slags indlæg før, men det er alligevel ved at være noget tid siden. Jeg elsker selv at læse disse slags indlæg på andre blogs, så jeg tænkte, at det kunne være sjovt at gøre igen. Se tidligere indlæg her og her hvor min kæreste skrev 10 facts om mig. Og så lad os get to it – 10 facts om mig!

♥ Jeg er langt fra kræsen, faktisk er jeg så altædende, som noget kan være – der er dog to ting, jeg ikke kan få mig selv til at spise. Champignoner og smør. Hvorfor, ved jeg ikke!

♥ Jeg er meget utålmodig, og hvis ting ikke virker for mig, kan jeg gå helt i spåner og flippe helt ud. Et meget umodent og ucharmerende træk, I know!

♥ Jeg fryser altid og mine hænder og fødder er altid kolde, så jeg har uldsokker på det meste af året.

♥ Jeg elsker hunde så meget, at jeg stopper op for at hilse på næsten alle hunde, jeg møder på min vej. Hjemme i København har jeg en hund, en Petit Basset ved navn Carla. Hun er 11 år gammel og den bedste hund i verden!

♥ Jeg sover gerne 12 timer hver nat, hvis jeg ikke bliver vækket. Det er ret pres!

♥ Jeg er meget social, men jeg har også brug for min tid alene. Det er sådan jeg lader op.

♥ I gymnasiet fandt jeg pludselig ud af, at jeg havde taget en del på. For meget fest, for meget slik og for meget natmad efter byture havde sat sine spor. Jeg tabte kiloene igen uden at gå på en egentlig kur, men ved at tænke mere over, hvad jeg puttede i munden.

♥ Jeg har et utal af kælenavne – det sker, når man er fra en familie, der giver et utal af kælenavne. Linus, Caro, Coco, Cirkeline og Plinius bare for at nævne et par stykker.

♥ Jeg spiser selleri og gulerødder hver dag, og min kæreste kalder mig for en kanin.

♥ Nu når vi er ved mad-snakken, så er det meget sjældent, at jeg laver mad selv derhjemme. Det interesserer mig ikke, det er tidskrævende, og jeg er bare ikke fan.


English: I’ve done these kinds of posts before, but I still love to read these posts on other blogs, so I thought, why not do another one? 10 random facts about me! See older posts here and here where my boyfriend spills 10 facts about me. Ok, so ready, set, go! 10 random facts about me.

♥ I love food and I am not picky with it at all – there are only two things I really can’t eat. Mushrooms and butter!

♥ I am really impatient, and that especially shows if I can’t make things work (electronics for example). I get really mad and upset. Very embarrassing and not charming, I know!

♥ I am (for unknown reasons) always cold and especially my feet and hands are always like ice, which means I wear wool socks most of the year.

♥ I love dogs so much that I literally stop to say hello to every dog I see in the streets. In Copenhagen I also have a dog, a Petit Basset named Carla. She is 11 years old and I love and miss her.

♥ I am likely to sleep 12 hours per night if nothing or no one wakes me up.

♥ I am very social, but alone time is also key for me. That is how I charge and reload my batteries.

♥ In high school I suddenly found out that I gained quite a lot of weight. Too much partying, to much fast food and too much candy had left their mark on my body. I managed to lose them again without going on an actual diet but just being more conscious about what I ate.

♥ I have countless nicknames. My family has a habit of creating nicknames and many of them. Just to mention a few of mine; Coco, Linus og Cirkeline.

♥ I eat carrots and celery every day and my boyfriend calls me a rabbit.

♥ When speaking about food – I almost never cook at home myself. I am not good at it, I don’t enjoy it and it doesn’t interest me. Luckily my boyfriend is a great cook!

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10 destinations in the world I want to visit

10 steder i verden jeg vil besøge

Selvom jeg indtil videre har været ret så heldig i mit 21-årige liv med at rejse en stor del af verden rundt og set og oplevet en masse fantastiske steder, er verden endnu så stor, at der selvfølgelig også er en del steder, som jeg brændende ønsker at rejse til og opleve. Min liste er en blanding af storbyer fyldt med kultur og liv, ældgamle kulturskatter, storslåede natursteder og eksotiske øer med azurblåt hav.

10 steder i verden jeg gerne vil besøge:

♥ Tel Aviv, Israel – Modsætninger mødes i Tel Aviv, hvor et kultur og et vildt natteliv gør,  at byen aldrig sover. I Tel Aviv kan alt fra anderledes kultur, arkitektur, god mad, natur og religion opleves.

♥ Sankt Petersborg, Rusland – Her kan man opleve storslåede bygninger over alt – selv metrostationerne skulle være fuldstændig fantastiske.

♥ Vietnam – At kunne spise vietnamesisk street food dagen lang er faktisk grund nok for mig til at besøge Vietnam (jeg elsker vietnamesisk mad!!!), men udover det skulle Vietnam også have det venligste folkefærd og utrolig smuk natur.

♥ Maldiverne – Ren afslapning, utroligt blåt vand, skønne strande, palmer og kokosnødder – hvad mere kan man bede om?

♥ Vestkysten i USA – her er der et væld af oplevelser, jeg drømmer om at se – fra bylivet i de store byer som Los Angeles, Las Vegas og San Francisco til naturparkerne Death Valley, Grand Canyon og Yosemite.

♥ Tanzania, Africa – safari i Tanzania har været på min radar og en drøm i mange år og blev især forstærket efter jeg på kort tid fortærede Jakob Ejersbos “Eksil”-trilogi, der foregår selvsamme sted.

♥ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – karneval, sambadans, glæde, drinks og selvfølgelig nogle af verdens mest kendte monumenter findes i Rio de Janeiro, som jeg i den grad tror er et absolut fantastisk sted at besøge.

♥ Melbourne, Australia – hipsterness, kaffe og australsk morgenmad i lange baner er blandt andet hvad Melbourne har at byde på. Ægte australsk livsstil.

♥ Petra, Jordan – Petra er en oldtidsby beliggende i Jordan bygget og udhugget i sten, bjerge og klipper før Kristi fødsel og også på listen over de syv nye verdensvidundere, og stedet ser fantastisk ud.

♥ Tokyo, Japan – Tokyo er en af verdens største byer, men også en af verdens vildeste eller mærkeligste byer med ting og traditioner, man aldrig har hørt om før – der findes vist maskiner og automater for alt.

Nu er der bare tilbage at drømme videre og forhåbentlig komme afsted snart! Jeres tur: Hvor i verden drømmer I om at besøge?

10 destinations in the world I want to visit

English: All though I am quite lucky, already in my 21 years on this earth, haven travelled and experienced so many amazing places on this earth, this world is still so big that there are, of course, countless places I yet have to experience, and I figured I have to cut it down to a list of my top 10 dream destinations I want to visit the most. My list of 1o destinations is a mix of big cities filled with life and culture, ancient cultural treasures and gems, magnificent nature and exotic islands surrounded with turquoise water.

10 destinations in the world I want to visit:

♥ Tel Aviv, Israel – Contradictions meet in the city of Tel Aviv, where the culture and night life turn Tel Aviv in to a city that never sleeps. In Tel Aviv everything from a different culture, religion, good food, nature, and architecture can be experienced.

♥ Saint Petersburg, Russia – Magnificent buildings everywhere – even the metro stations should be absolutely beautiful.

♥ Vietnam – Just to be able to eat Vietnamese street food all day long is actually reason enough for me to come here, but besides from that Vietnam should have the kindest people and magnificent nature sites.

♥ Maldives – Pure relaxation, crystal clear turquoise water, palm trees and fresh coconuts – what more could one ask for?

♥ The West Coast in USA – there are so many things to see here – from the city life of Los Angeles, Las Vegas and San Francisco, to the national nature parks of Death Valley, Yosemite, and Grand Canyon…

♥ Tanzania, Africa – to go on a safari in Africa has been on my bucket list since forever, and especially Tanzania caught my attention after reading a novel about it.

♥ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – carnival, samba dancing, drinks, happiness and major sight seeing are some of the things one can experience in the amazing city of Rio de Janeiro.

♥ Melbourne, Australia – hipsterness at its highest – flat whites, Aussie brekkie, hip cafes, young people, fun and beaches. I think life is fun and easy in Melbourne, and I definitely want to go one day to experience the Australian lifestyle.

♥ Petra, Jordan – Petra is an ancient, archaeological city in Jordan carved in rocks and is also on the list of the new seven wonders of the world, and it is absolutely stunning.

♥ Tokyo, Japan – Tokyo is one of the biggest cities in the world, but Tokyo is probably also the city with the weirdest and most different traditions and things like a high use of vending machines – there is practically a vending machine for everything!

Now it is your turn! Where do you dream of going?

11 things I am proud and happy to have accomplished with 20 years

11 things I am proud to have accomplished with 20 years

So as I wrote the day before my birthday this Tuesday when I turned 21, I said I was going to make a few posts about being 20 years. I already did: Things I’ve learned with 20 – a whole list of bigger or smaller lessons I’ve learned in my life, and now today this posts: 11 things I am proud and happy to have accomplished with 20 years. A little pompous, but sometimes people should really spend some time thinking about themselves, what they’ve accomplished in life, what they want to accomplish in the future, and actually take some time to be happy and proud of oneself. It is okay! Especially on a day like today, where I am really having a bad one, it may help to feel a little better. So here are my:

11 things I am proud and happy to have accomplished with 20 years

1. Moving to Berlin on my own when I was 18 and having stuck it out for more than two years by now.

2. Landed two cool jobs that I wasn’t even qualified for – a job at a fashion agency and working as the Danish country manager for a German company.

3. Writing a book that will hopefully be published.

4. Having traveled to most of the world.

5. Gotten to know myself very well.

6. Having an Instagram profile and a blog with a great following and working hard every day to obtain success with my projects.

7. Speaking pretty good German which was one of my goals before I moved to Berlin.

8. Living intentionally.

9. Making my own, smart and mature choices…. Like eating out every day so I don’t have to learn how to cook 😉

10. Made an active choice to always do something about dreams and go after my them, and always striving to fulfill my ideas, hope, goals and dreams.

11. Been featured and published in several medias.





Things I’ve learned with 20


As I am turning 21 on Tuesday, I figured it would be nice to make a little collection of posts on being 20 years old. This one I did last year, but I found it is suitable to repost it:

Things I’ve learned with 20

Let’s kick off the week with a collection of different lessons put in to sentences that I’ve learned with being 20 years old. Many of these sentences are essential and very important to remember from time to time.

♥ The people you don’t like probably don’t like you either.

♥ Treat other people the same way you want to be treated.

♥ Remember to listen.

♥ Help out where you can.

♥ Don’t take to much responsibility and tasks on your shoulders if it is too much for you.

♥ Give good advice.

♥ Remember to think before you speak.

♥ It is okay to ask for help.

♥ You don’t have to be good at everything.

♥ It is okay to say no sometimes.

♥ You don’t have to be everything.

♥  Accept that some things you can’t change.

♥ Don’t disparage other people. They most likely have their reasons and not at least choice to do things they way they do it.

♥ Show excitement.

♥ You can’t compliment to little.

♥ Smiling will make you and people on your way happy.

♥ Don’t care to much about other people’s opinions.

♥ You can’t be friends with everybody.

♥ If you expect too much you will only be disappointed.

♥ Treat yourself and your body well.

♥ There is no reason to get offended easily. Most people don’t intend to offend you on purpose.

♥ Don’t take things personally.

♥ Your nails are prettier if you stop biting them.

♥ Having five extra minutes in the morning will only do you good. Five minutes extra sleep on the other hand wont make a difference. Stop snoozing.

♥ Don’t fast forward to apocalypse. Not everything has to go wrong.

♥ Stop comparing your life with other people’s lives. Be the moviestar of your own life.

♥ Don’t hold grudges.

♥ Learn to let go of stuff from the past. It will only weigh you down.

♥ Just because your exboyfriend cheated on you, doesn’t mean that your new one will.

♥ Don’t be afraid.

♥ Being skinny won’t make you happy.

♥ No need to waste time on worrying.

♥ Don’t cry over spilled milk.

♥ Stop turning everything into a fight or an argument. It is not worth it.

♥ Know your boundaries.

♥ Be honest and don’t lie.

♥ You can’t get everything the way you want it.

♥ You can’t always get to choose and pick out what movie you and your friends/boyfriend are watching.

♥ Like your friend’s fan page for his band on Facebook when he invites you to do it. It will mean a lot when you need a like back one day.

♥ Stay in contact with old friends.

♥ Stop complaining.

♥ Focus on the good stuff.

♥ Earn more money than you spend.

♥ Start saving up.

♥ Stop waiting for something better to come along.

♥ Read books.

♥ Live in the moment.

♥ In order to fly you have to fall.

♥ Failing is not the end of the world.

♥ You have time enough.

♥ Know your own boundaries and respect them.

♥ But on the other hand, it is good to leave your comfort zone from time to time.

♥ Work hard to create the life you dream to live.

♥ Always try new things.

♥ Never stop exploring.

♥ There is always room for improvement or a new skill to learn.

♥ Aim for happiness.

♥ If you really want something, you have to work for it.

♥ Your hair will look better if you remember to get a haircut every three months.

♥ Karma exists.

10 things to remember if you are having a bad day

10 ting man skal huske når man har en dårlig dag

10 ting man skal huske, når man har en dårlig dag

♥ Gør noget godt for dig selv, noget der gør dig glad. Selvom det på dårlige dage synes svært at blive glad igen og intet lader til at virke, er det et forsøg værd, så spis et stykke kage, lav noget hyggeligt, eller gå en tur i fitness-centeret – hvad end der normalt får dig i bedre humør.

♥ Hver ikke så hård mod dig selv. Dårlige tanker avler ofte dårlige dage, og hvis man er hård og bebrejder sig selv for meget, vil det gøre det hele meget værre. Prøv så vidt mulig at vær god mod dig selv, især når du har en dårlig dag. Det er okay, at du ikke trænede fem gange sidste uge, det er okay, at dit værelse roder, og det er okay, at du ikke har ringet til din farmor i fem dage. Alt hverken kan eller skal være perfekt.

♥ Husk på at en dårlig dag vil gå over. En dårlig dag er bare én dårlig dag, og selvom det er ulideligt, når det står på, så er der en ny dag i morgen, som helt sikkert vil være bedre.

♥ Gå i hi i sengen med dyner, en hel Ben & Jerry’s og den bedste chick flick film, du kan finde.

♥ Tal med din mor, din veninde, eller den person, der forstår dig og kan hjælpe lidt. Det hjælper altid at tale om tingene!

♥ Gør noget aktivt! Gør noget, der kan få dig til at glemme, at du er trist. Gå i fitness-centeret, ryd op i dit skab – et eller andet der kan få dig til at tænke på noget andet.

Græd! Mange mennesker mener, at det faktisk er sundt at græde en gang i mellem, og en god grædetur kan gøre underværker, så få det ud, hvis du føler for det!

♥ Tag et varmt og dejligt bad. Det hjælper altid!

♥ Sov på det. Nogle gange er især aftenener rigtig slemme, og man kan ikke sove og hele verden falder ned over en, men det bedste man kan gøre er at prøve at sove og huske på, at man helt sikkert vågner op og har det bedre. Det sjove er, at det meste af tiden virker ens problemer meget mindre dagen efter.

♥ Og sidst men ikke mindst… – husk på at det er okay og helt normalt at have en dårlig dag en gang i mellem. Det sker for selv den bedste.

English: 10 things to remember if you are having a bad day

10 things to remember if you are having a bad day

♥ Do something good for yourself. Sometimes when having a bad day nothing seems to make it better or to cheer you up, but it is at least worth a try. Do something that you like to do, eat a piece of cake if you feel like it, or go to the gym if that is what’s making you feel better.

♥ Don’t be too hard on yourself. Bad thoughts beget bad actions and give you bad days. Don’t think bad thoughts and blame yourself. It is okay that you didn’t go to the gym five times this week, it is okay that your room is messy and it is okay that you didn’t call your grandmother in five days. Nothing is perfect, so neither can you be.

♥ Hide in bed with blankets, a whole Ben & Jerry’s and the best chick flick movie you can find.

♥ Take a nice, long shower. That always helps.

♥ Keep in mind that it will pass. A bad day is just a bad day and tomorrow is only a day away.

Turn to your mom, your friend, or whoever has the ability to make you feel better and to understand you. Talking about it always helps.

♥ Do something actively! Something that can take your mind off your feelings such as a work out at the gym or cleaning up your bathroom drawers or your closet. Whatever helps.

♥ Cry! Many people say that it is healthy to have a good cry once in a while, and for some people it really helps letting go of bad and hurt feelings and just cry it out.

♥ Sleep on it. Some nights can be really tough, but after a good night’s sleep you will most of the time feel a lot better the morning after and your problems might not seem that big anymore.

♥ And last but not least… – remember it is perfectly normal and okay to have a melt down and a bad day once in a while. It happens to all of us. Even the ones that seem to have that perfect life. Trust me, they don’t. Or at least not all the time. Everyone has a meltdown once in a while.

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